The following describes our process for prepping a room for spraying, de-glossing, sanding, priming and painting kitchen cabinet boxes and doors.
We’ve created a material list, a step by step guide and a quiz to test your knowledge.
Tools Needed:
Many of these tools can be purchased from your local hardware store. We’ve included links to our Amazon store, which helps support our how-to program.
1. Pre-Arrival
Please refer to service standards post for instructions on how to communicate with a client and organize for a job
PART 1 (Cabinet Boxes)
2. Preparation
- Move fridge using air lift to area designated by homeowner.
- Cover edge of flooring with using 3m hand masker and 9 inch paper. Use 1 1/2 inch Intertape installed on hand masker.
- Cover entire flooring up to tape line with rosin paper (this provides double paper near cabinets where over spray will happen).
- Cover any appliances with 72 inch 3M plastic.
- Place drop clothe in middle of flooring leaving 2ft of paper edge exposed closest to cabinet box.
- Remove cabinet doors/drawers. Label doors in recessed area of hinge hole. Sequentially number each door starting with number 1 on furthest lower left door.
- Remove drawer guides.
- Clean doors and cabinet boxes with M1 Degreaser & Deglosser.
- Mask cabinet door and drawer openings with 9 inch paper.
- Using zip wall, create sealed barrier with two open areas using zipper for negative and positive sources of air flow. One to vent fumes outside. One to draw new air.
- Apply bondo or wood filler to dents/gouges on doors and cabinet boxes.
- Scuff sand cabinet boxes, drawers and doors with 220 grit paper if using festool RTS 400 or a medium grit sanding sponge.
- Vacuum dust. It easiest to use the Festool vacuum tool for dust collection followed by wiping with a damp microfiber rag.
- Pack doors/drawers into truck to be brought off site for spraying (unless otherwise instructed).
- If cabinets are closer than 2 feet from ceiling and we are not painting ceiling, cover ceiling with plastic.
- Set-up air scrubber. Air scrubber consists of a 12 inch van with ventilation connected to a large container. On top of the container we place a furnace filter and the ventilation tube connects to a 12 inch air duct inlet.
3. Application
- Spray cabinet boxes with primer using Titan 311 switch tip (most standard primer is oil Coverstain or odorless oil Kilz). Airless sprayer set to 2500-3000 psi. (Goal is for this portion to be completed by end of day 1. Primer is 1 hr dry time with easiest sanding after overnight dry).
- Sand primed Cabinet boxes with Medium to Fine sanding sponge and/or 220 grit paper. When machine sanding use vacuum dust extractor.
- Vacuum cabinet boxes. Clean boxes with damp micro fiber rag to remove remaining dust. Vacuum work area.
- Caulk gaps with Bolt Caulk (areas where boxes meet wall and other expansion/contraction joints on boxes).
- Apply top coat (a common top coat is Benjamin Moore Advance). Top coat to be applied with 312 FFLP tip or specified by product TDS. Fluid pressure set to 1800-2000 psi on airless or just beyond when tales disappear. On AAA sprayer fluid pressure set to 1200 psi and 30 psi air.
- Wait for Advance to dry overnight. Begin work on cabinet doors/drawers off site if time allows.
- Sand 1st coat lightly with 320-400 grit paper festool paper or fine sanding sponge.
- Vacuum boxes and work area. Clean boxes with damp micro fiber rag.
- Apply final top coat. If time allows, continue working on cabinet doors & drawers.
- Before cleaning work area, allow to dry overnight and check for sags or dry areas next day. Wet sand sags with fine sanding sponge and water. Touch-up as needed.
4. First Inspection
- Before removing plastic/paper ask client to check for touch-ups. Repair as needed.
5. Clean-Up
- Remove tape, plastic, paper.
- Fold drop clothes end over end to contain dust and remove from home.
- Clean counters and vacuum floor.
PART 2 (Doors & Drawers)
6. Preparation
- Since de-glossing, dent filling and scuff sanding was completed on site this is not needed. If for some reason it was not completed on site, de-gloss and scuff sand doors.
- If drawer faces are attached to drawer boxes, mask drawer boxes.
- Prepare drying rack by placing tape over metal racks
7. Application
- Do not caulk floating panels to rails. (Could cause cracking on door panels)
- Apply oil primer using 311 titan switch tip. Back side of doors/drawers to be sprayed first.
- Set on drying rack.
- Apply oil primer to front side. Allow to dry overnight.
- Sand primer using medium to fine sanding sponge in recessed areas and machine sand flat surfaces with 220 grit paper. Festool dust extractor to be used during machine sanding.
- Vacuum all surfaces, vacuum work area
- Clean surfaces with damp Micro Fiber rag
- Apply top coat to backside of doors. Allow to dry.
- Lightly sand back side with 320-400 grit paper. Vacuum and clean with damp micro fiber. Cut with razor where rails and panels meet to remove paint build up.
- Apply final coat to back side
- Flip doors and follow same process for door/drawer fronts.
- Inspect doors for defects and repair as needed.
- Wait two days to harden before preparing for delivery.
8. Prepare for delivery
- Wrap doors/drawers with wax paper
- Place in vehicle or trailer stacked vertically with padding
9. Re-installation
- Re-install drawer guides
- Re-install doors referencing sequential numbering system
- Re-install drawers
10. Final Inspection
- Coordinate time with client on final day to complete a walk-through of the project. At this time we can complete any touch-ups necessary before packing up equipment
- After all touch-ups have been completed and customer is satisfied, contract is signed and client is asked to fill out a quality scorecard
Next Steps
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Ill make sure to respond to any comments within 24 hrs!