Project Description
Wendy called us about her home in located near the Macalaster area of St Paul after a thorough google search for interior painters. She was most interested in updating her family room where she has oak built ins with a worn off darker stain color. We suggested painting the built in cabinets, trim, windows and doors. She and her family planned a vacation in March so it gave us the opportunity to work while she was out of town. This was especially nice because it allowed us to work longer days so we could finish the job quicker and have it ready for her when she got back from vacation.
Color Selections
Wendy was unsure about color so our color consultant set a meeting to help her decide colors for her built-in cabinets, trim, doors and windows. The designer guided her in the right direction because the colors came out beautiful and Wendy was elated when she arrived home from vacation. She decided on Sherwin Williams “Reflection” for the built in cabinet. For the trim, windows and doors she went with Benjamin Moore “Cloud Cover”.
Video of Lakeville Job
Advance getting back rolled and re sprayed
Posted by OKeefe Painting on Saturday, March 30, 2019
Project Challenges
We typically take doors off site for spraying but since Wendy and her family were out of town for the week and we only had the built in cabinets to paint we decided to spray doors on site. Since we were also painting 6 entry doors space was somewhat limited and with two colors it made it challenging to schedule finishing. The crew worked some pretty long days to overcome these challenges to make sure the project was finished by the time they were home.
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